Friday, February 20, 2009


That Smells...

Fire blanket used during fire season do smell. However they save lives when a person has no other alternative. They are made of real thick wool. The ones the Country Fire Authority use are red and heavy.

Here we are being 'emcouraged' to go under the blanket (alias smoke coming lower down).

Some of us really pose for photos!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Look Wide Create Section Fire Try

Low down and crawling. :Feb 17th 2009

The Guides chose to go low and crawl outside.

New experience as the blades of 'sundried' grass and the earth were really hard.

So dust and grass went with them.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Who does it better

How is this

Invite Country Fire Authority Schools training personal down to really show how its done. Here is a demonstration of how to really crawl fast under a down coming wall of smoke (alias red fire blanket).

Mate ship. That's what comes from team work,sharing of experiances, the highs / lows, sharing
of laughter and tears.

Teddy Bears Picnic Food (2009)

Teddy Bears Picnic Food (2009)

We were going to all share some fairy bread (cut out teddy bear style), a teddy cake, some teddy biscuits with icing and sprinkles, and teddy shapes. With grapes, apples and strawberries, watermelon and kiwi fruit.

Our drink was going to be really cold water (and ice) and may be one cordial.

And we were also going to have teddy bear sweets ... if they could be found.
Teddy Bear Picnic Program

Teddy Bears Picnic Program

Teddy Bear Picnic Program

Teddy Bears Picnic Preperation

Teddy Bears Picnic Preperation 2009.

Happening March 17 2009.

Churchill Victoria Australia.

Organised By Youth members Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guide Units.

Began last year to actually organise the RAC WAC FOR 2009. .... AND THE TEDDY BEARS SNUCK IN.

Read on and see how they altered the Rac Wac 2009.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Some of last years Australia Day (2008) photo's.

A different place and a different time. But still we were there.

It was hot that day too. We were glad there was some shade and the Australia Day service started early in the morning.

Next time more sun shade and drink bottles will be requested to be brought. Just in case it is better to Be Prepared.

Australia Day 2009


Australia Day 09

On the 26th of January 2009 some of the Churchill / Hazelwood Girl Guides made their way over to the Churchill Community Hall, to start the Australia Day ceremony.

This is one event that the Guides and Scouts share. The little kids get to give out flags and the Australian National Anthem (song) sheets.

We started the ceremony with the color party coming forward. The color party then had to raise the flag (Although they only had to do was pull a string to release the flag). Last year Jessica and I were in the color party. I had to raise the flag then too.

After the flag got put up we sang the Australian National Anthem.

This year I got out of colour party and instead I took some magnificent photos trying to keep in the shade. It was hot.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wet Chux Chase.

This relay race needs two chux cloths per team.

Each person 'racing' needs their teams chux to get from one end to the other witout their feet touching the floor.

If you score thry these:

1 score point to each team member making it to the end line.

1 score point for each member getting to the end within a chosen time.

1 score point for each of the other teams members that you touch on the hand.... and so forth.

decide on the appropriate types of scoring available before the game is started.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Combining the art of face painting and first aid on the horror night .

You have to be joking! Fun in Guides. OR: What do you do there?

Guiding has been around for years. You've heard all about it. So why not get involved with it. Actually give it a go.

That's what this blog is all about. Those girls (and sometimes the adults too) have actually done these things. Some have gone on and made their Guide Promise while others chose not too.

Give these things a go yourself. Then blog us back how you went. Did you show your friends, get them involved or were you to afraid they would laugh behind your back.

Know a better ahead or contact us the old fashioned way on

From the Hazelwood and Churchill Girl Guide District, Churchill, Australia. 3842